Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10

The start of this evenings snow storm, from the vantage point of our living room window.


  1. The second that has a direct light source in the frame. I like the warm orange texture it creates. I feel like it gives the image a sense time thats more than just an instant captured, and more like a few hours passed where little changes. Obscure, but thats what it makes me think of.

  2. Heh. Yeah, that's actually (to de-romanticize it) the 'night setting' on my camera. :) But yeah, I liked the way this one came out.

  3. This picture also follows the rule of perfect thirds really well. Not sure if you've been coached in that one or not.

  4. Nope, not yet. How's that work?

  5. Its just one of many compositional rules of thumb. It basically says that if you divide your frame into thirds with lines both vertically and horizontally (think of a # sign that takes up your whole frame.) Then you should try to frame the most interesting or eye catching bits at the intersections of those lines.
