Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 82

So, Carrie and I were walking down Boylston St on our way back to work after an emergency visit to the chiropractor. All of the sudden I look up as something brown and winged flashes across my field of vision, MAYBE 15 ft in front of me. The feathers resolved themselves into the beauty you see above- a Red Tailed Hawk, who had taken a pigeon somewhere, and clearly had plans to lunch on it on top of this truck. The truck was parked just on the other side of the hedge next to where we were walking. Much to my delight (and that of a number of other passers-by), it (she? he? not sure) deigned to sit and pose with it's meal as I snapped a number of photos.

This absolutely made the walk from Copley to Downtown in the cold worthwhile.


  1. Thats so cool. I love when majestic wildlife imposes its presence in the city, and that Hawk is gorgeous.

  2. Yeah, it was totally one of the coolest things I've seen recently. The Hawk was so beautiful, if it hadn't been so damn cold, I'd have sat there until it decided to fly away.

  3. I missed this one I guess. There used to be a hawk living on Inman street. I saw him snatch a rat once. It's probably a good thing you moved on otherwise you would have witnessed the dismemberment of that pigeon...
